Commentaries (Year 2017)

Date Article Author
2017-12-19 [China Daily] LegCo rule book changes needed for Hong Kong Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-12-18 [Ming Pao] 儲局開明貨幣政策 有利經濟穩定 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-12-15 [Master Insight] 品牌難以維持嗎? Dr. Wing-Fai Leung
2017-12-12 [Oriental Daily] 加密貨幣令人擔心 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-12-07 [South China Morning Post] Why diversity is under threat in Hong Kong’s post-secondary education sector Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-12-04 [Ming Pao] 白居二或推高樓價 但可解急 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-12-01 [Master Insight] 設銀行處置機制對香港有何好處? Mr. Antony Sin
2017-11-20 [Ming Pao] 比特幣可延續升勢 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-11-17 [Master Insight] 盡信書不如無書 Dr. Helen Wong
2017-11-14 [Oriental Daily] 公屋不能炒三大理由 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-11-09 [South China Morning Post] Hong Kong’s public housing should cater to the masses, as Singapore’s does Dr. Wilson Wong
2017-11-07 [China Daily] Aone-handed violinist has much to teach us Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-11-06 [Ming Pao] 行為經濟學的另類解釋 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-11-03 [Master Insight] 「枸杞保溫杯」與中產階層的初老經濟 Dr. Vivian Kong
2017-11-01 [China Daily] Public housing sales must benefit needy Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-10-25 [South China Morning Post] Accelerates towards a driverless future as Hong Kong stalls Dr. Wilson Wong
2017-10-23 [Ming Pao] 公營房屋如何防炒賣 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-10-20 [Master-Insight] 月餅的價格是否合理? Dr. Wing-Fai Leung
2017-10-17 [China Daily] Separate those who need homes from profit-seekers Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-10-12 [China Daily] Lam’s maiden Policy Address deals with key issues Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-10-10 [Oriental Daily] 活化樓市三招了 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-10-04 [China Daily] What I’d like to see in the upcoming Policy Address Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-09-26 [RTHK | 視點31] 佔領三週年 回顧與反思 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-09-26 [China Daily] HK needs to mandate maximum working hours Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-09-25 [Ming Pao] 金融業須由獨立機構嚴控風險 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-09-21 [South China Morning Post] Debate on Hong Kong independence is welcome, but propaganda banners are not. Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-09-19 [China Daily] Prevention is better, and cheaper, than cure for diseases Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-09-12 [China Daily] Restrict new housing scheme’s resale to qualified buyers only Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-09-12 [Oriental Daily] 「港人首置」怎優化? Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-09-11 [Ming Pao] 虛擬「代幣」弊多於利 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-09-08 [Master-Insight] 「我我我」的千禧人才 Dr. Charmaine Chan
2017-09-06 [Ming Pao] 政治人物的道德責任 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-09-05 [China Daily] Qualities responsible activists need to have Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-08-29 [Ming Pao] 不能因追求理想侵犯別人權利 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-08-28 [Ming Pao] 信任的價值 不信任的代價 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-08-25 [Master-Insight] 僕人領袖的威力 Dr. Helen Wong
2017-08-22 [China Daily] Morality and immorality of civil disobedience Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-08-14 [Ming Pao] 市場力量與政府反應 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-08-11 [Master-Insight] 誰愛「四大」? Dr. Aries Wong
2017-08-08 [China Daily] HOS home sales fine – but only to HOS qualifiers Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-08-08 [Oriental Daily] 公居屋轉手限制速修訂 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-08-01 [China Daily] Build a culture of caring for the common good Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-07 [中國財政 | 2017年第13期 | 總第738期] 香港財政政策要領分析 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-07-31 [Ming Pao] 多方共贏全球化 仍需探索 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-07-28 [Master-Insight] HR是無間道或是中間道? Dr. Charmaine Chan
2017-07-25 [China Daily] Degree places exceed demand – no need for outsider quotas Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-07-20 [Ming Pao] 安全衛生劏房 解燃眉急合情合理 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-07-18 [Master-Insight] 職場上真的有賞罰分明? Dr. Aries Wong
2017-07-18 [RTHK|左右紅藍綠] 法治、人治,和民主 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-07-18 [China Daily] Mid-stream revision over MPF offset unfair to existing businesses Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-07-17 [Ming Pao] 應按不同行業定標準工時 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-07-10 [Oriental Daily] 強積金對沖怎收科? Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-07-04 [China Daily] Xi’s message – spirit of ‘one country, two systems’ Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-07-03 [Ming Pao] 管理一帶一路風險 港商機大 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-07-01 [China Daily] Caring culture takes shape in government Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-06-30 [Master-Insight] 種瓜得瓜——系統學説中的產出和結果 Dr. Helen Wong
2017-06-28 [Channel Asia | Between the Lines] Hong Kong: Handover anniversary
(Panel discussion with Benny Tai, Alan Leong, and Junius Ho)
Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-06-23 [Master-Insight] 顧客是否多多益善? Dr. Wing-Fai Leung
2017-06-20 [China Daily] Conservationist sale better choice Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-06-19 [Ming Pao] 港可考慮「世界貨幣單位」發債 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-06-16 [Master-Insight] 邊際效率遞增現象與奢侈品的定價之謎 Dr. Vivian Kong
2017-06-13 [China Daily] Potential competitiveness leader not good enough Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-06-09 [Master-Insight] 管理學歷史與我何干? Dr. Helen Wong
2017-06-07 [Ming Pao] 香港樓市長升長有之謎 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-06-06 [China Daily] Basic Law interpretations serve HK’s best interests Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-06-05 [Ming Pao] 政府宜實事求是 善用工廈 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-06-02 [Master-Insight] 廣告是否關鍵? Dr. Wing-Fai Leung
2017-05-31 [China Daily] Public interest is top principle in rule of law Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-05-26 [Master-Insight] 不駡人的主管 Dr. Charmaine Chan
2017-05-23 [China Daily] Tung right with mutual benefits for HK, nation Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-05-22 [Ming Pao] 估值師受僱於公司就難獨立 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-05-19 [Master-Insight] 商業倫理不能單靠商業倫理課程維持 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-05-16 [China Daily] HK must use strengths in Belt and Road Initiative Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-05-12 [Master-Insight] 標準工時的迷思 Mr. Antony Sin
2017-05-09 [China Daily] Pricey housing a big problem for a minority Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-05-08 [Ming Pao] 解決住房問題要「着地」 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-05-05 [Master-Insight] 「造數」經濟學 Dr. Aries Wong
2017-04-28 [Master-Insight] 貿易禁制條款 Mr. Antony Sin
2017-04-24 [Ming Pao] 從前發展至上 現在保育至上 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-04-20 [Oriental Daily] 租置計劃 愈幫愈忙 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-04-19 [China Daily] Technology cruises past owners of taxi licenses Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-04-14 [Master-Insight] 淺談香港商業法(下) Mr. Antony Sin
2017-04-11 [China Daily] Construction site deaths a mark against safety record Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-04-10 [Ming Pao] 香港競爭力響警號 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-04-07 [Master-Insight] 淺談香港商業法(上) Mr. Antony Sin
2017-04-05 [China Daily] Better way to gauge school performance Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-03-31 [Master-Insight] 企業社會責任的迷思(下) Dr. Charmaine Chan
2017-03-28 [Oriental Daily] 負入息稅 不切實際 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-03-27 [China Daily] The challenges facing Carrie Lam as next CE Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-03-27 [Ming Pao] 減少出租公屋 不符香港所需 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-03-24 [Master-Insight] 企業社會責任的迷思(上) Dr. Charmaine Chan
2017-03-21 [China Daily] Polls show what people want – not what they need Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-03-17 [Master-Insight] 變幻原是永恒? Dr. Wing-Fai Leung
2017-03-14 [China Daily] ‘Health services industry’ drive bleeds public hospitals Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-03-13 [Ming Pao] 的士牌價應反映「界外成本」 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-03-10 [Master-Insight] 金融市場怕不怕伊斯蘭國? Dr. Vivian Kong
2017-03-09 [Oriental Daily] 同股不同權宜有彈性 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-03-09 [China Daily] Suicides among young people point to need for life education Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-03-03 [Master-Insight] 中國文學與會計──古今的會計涵義 Ms. Mandy Ceung
2017-02-28 [China Daily] Hong Kong needs to think more about tax reform Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-02-27 [Ming Pao] 香港稅制須與時並進 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-02-24 [Master-Insight] 「合法」與「公平」 Dr. Helen Wong
2017-02-23 [China Daily] Budget gives welcome break to ‘middle class’ Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-02-17 [Master-Insight] 會計的經濟解釋 Dr. Aries Wong
2017-02-15 [South China Morning Post] Hong Kong would benefit if four worthy chief executive candidates faced off in final contest Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-02-13 [Ming Pao] 土地發展考慮成本也要考慮效益 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-02-10 [Master-Insight] 資產浮盈與財富幻覺 Dr. Vivian Kong
2017-02-09 [Oriental Daily] 香港樓價難負擔之謎 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-02-07 [China Daily] Hong Kong should rethink its land policy Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-01-27 [Master-Insight] 唯利是圖是否有錯? Dr. Wing-Fai Leung
2017-01-24 [China Daily] Universal pension plan still has legs Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-01-22 [South China Morning Post] Hong Kong chief executive candidates must all be given a fair chance Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-01-20 [Master-Insight] 「做對的事」與「把事做對」 Dr. Helen Wong
2017-01-16 [Ming Pao] 人類還可以做什麼? Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-01-12 [Oriental Daily] 華外儲滑落勿過慮 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-01-10 [China Daily] Hong Kong badly needs an enlightened opposition Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-01-04 [China Daily] Increasing supply is the best solution to high housing prices Prof. Lok-Sang Ho
2017-01-03 [Ming Pao] 政府應出資解決強積金對冲 Prof. Lok-Sang Ho