Visit to The Desk (參觀 The Desk) |
Visit to Nu Skin (參觀 Nu Skin) |
Visit to The Internet of Things Center of Excellence (The IoT Centre) of GS1 Hong Kong Company Ltd (參觀香港貨品編碼協會物聯網科技應用中心) |
Visit to Cathay Pacific City (參觀國泰城)
Interview with Mr. Tse Po Tat, Chairman of Hung Fook Tong Group Holdings Limited (訪問鴻福堂集團控股有限公司主席謝寶達先生) |
Visit to Bamboos Professional Nursing Services Limited (參觀百本專業護理服務有限公司)
Participating in Experience Sharing Seminar of Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (參與香港市務學會《品牌超連結》經驗分享會) |
Visit to China Dragon Inspection & Certification (HK) Ltd (參觀中龍檢驗認證(香港)有限公司) |
Participating in Social Media Seminar (參與社交媒體專題研討會)
Visit to Beacon Group Holdings Limited (參觀遵理集團控股有限公司)
Visit to Grand Hyatt Hong Kong (參觀香港君悅酒店) |
Visit to GS1 Hong Kong (參觀香港貨編碼協會)
Visit to Guru Online (Holdings) Limited (參觀超凡網絡(控股)有限公司) |
Visit to Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (參觀香港空運貨站有限公司) |
Visit to Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks (參觀香港科技園) |
Visit to Kerry Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited (參觀嘉里物流(香港)有限公司) |
Visit to Neo Derm Group Ltd (參觀 Neo Derm Group Ltd) |
Visit to People’s Food Bank of St James’ Settlement (參觀聖雅各福群會眾膳坊) |
Visit to the Centre for Food Safety (參觀食物安全中心) |
Visit to Testing and Certification Lab of TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong Limited (參觀香港德國萊茵技術監護顧問股份有限公司的測試認證實驗室)
Visit to Vegetable Marketing Organisation (參觀蔬菜統營處) |