Announcing the result of The Logo Competition for the Faculty of Business.
The Logo Competition for the Faculty of Business received more than 20 entries. After 2 rounds of voting, Ms. Wong Choi Man won the competition. Congratulations to the winner and thank you to all the participants. Ideas behind the Design: The emerald blue symbolizes calm and wisdom, and projects an air of professionalism and authority. The logo primarily is based on simple lines and colour blocks, and resonates with the Chu Hai College logo. On the left is shown an eagle flapping its wings, suggesting that Chu Hai business students possess sharp eyesight like the eagle’s, able to identify opportunities arising in financial markets, and able to take off in the business world with flair and valour.
Company Visits
Company visits allow students to have a glimpse into the business world in practice. As well they offer an opportunity to network with business executives and professionals. Under the Business Leadership Programme (2018-19), students had chances to explore two different companies: Nu Skin and The Desk. Nu Skin is a MNC with significant market share in Hong Kong, while The Desk is a dynamic local co-working company that is now positioned to penetrate into the China market. Both of them are fast-growing but they have rather different business strategies. Their business models are relevant and important to our business students. During the company visits, students attended presentations on company history, company culture, marketing and business strategies, and toured around the premises of the companies.
9 March 2019, 1st Company Visit: Nu Skin Ms. Keliee Wong, Global Business Development Consultant, presents Nu Skin’s global business expansion strategies and its unique business model.
13 April 2019, 2nd Company Visit: The Desk Dr. Au Yeung, Gigi, Community Partnership Director, introduces the background and business strategy of the Desk, and how co-working office forms a new business trend nowadays.
We thank Nu Skin and The Desk for allowing our students to redeem this unique opportunity to meet, engage and interact with management teams through visiting their companies. |
Faculty of Business High Table Dinner
The Faculty of Business of Chu Hai College held a High Table Dinner on March 2, 2019 on campus. We invited students, alumni, academic staff, and senior management staff to join the memorable event. The Guest of Honour was Mr Rex Ma, our alumnus. The evening began with a cocktail session, in which participants interacted with one another joyously. Then the event was kicked off with a welcome address by CHC Faculty of Business Dean Professor Ho Lok Sang. Mr Rex Ma is President of Asia Pacific Creative Industries Association. He has an illustrious career in innovative technology, having worked with Oracle and then starting his own business, which has now gained recognition as a leading provider of technology-driven promotion and networking services. He spoke on “Business Opportunities and Career Planning in the Greater Bay Area”. Our CHC Vice President, Ms. Ku Wing Chee Brenda, represented the College to thank him and presented him a souvenir. Students found the talk enlightening and learned much about social and dining etiquette. It was a unique opportunity for our students to meet with our alumni. The evening proved to be a most memorable experience for all participants. |
Faculty Research Seminar The Faculty held a Research Seminar on 1 March 2019 under its Research Seminar Series. Dr. Jasmine HUANG, Associate Professor of Department of Finance, delivered a seminar on “Bitcoin and Blockchain: Fundamentals, Applications, Prospects and Challenges”. |
Public Lecture at the University of Cambridge: The development of China’s commercial aircraft industry
Dr Wilson Wong was recently invited to deliver a public lecture at Cambridge University, UK. The lecture was on the development of China’s commercial aircraft industry. The lecture organised by the Cambridge Association for Political Economy of China (CAPEC), was held at the Department of Politics & International Studies of the University of Cambridge on the 20 February, 2019. According to Dr Wong, China is expected to supplant the United States as the world’s largest aviation market by 2022. The commercial aircraft industry is of significant value to global financial markets. Commercial banks, export credit agencies and lessors today account for 80% to 90% of aircraft financing. The commercial aircraft finance market is estimated to be in excess of US$100 billion annually with regard to the financing of new aircraft deliveries.
Faculty Research Seminar The Faculty held a Research Seminar on Jan 4, 2019 under its Research Seminar Series. We were honoured to have Professor WAN Junmin, Faculty of Economics, Jukuoka University, Japan, be our guest speaker for the seminar titled “Bubble Occurrence and Landing”. ![]() ![]()
Business Faculty Logo Design Competition Submit your design on or before March 15, 2019 to grab a chance to win $2,000 cash prize! |
Alumni BBQ Gathering Several members of the Business Faculty organized a BBQ gathering with the alumni. This event was held on Saturday December 9th, 2018. The venue was the club house of Park Island. It was a great opportunity for different cohorts of alumni to catch up with one another. They had a great time enjoying the food, the nice environs, and great conversation. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Faculty Research Seminar The Faculty held a Research Seminar on 3 December 2018 under its Research Seminar Series. Professor HO Lok-Sang, Dean of Faculty of Business, delivered a seminar on his research project titled “A New Adjustable Peg Proposal: Managed Fixed Exchange Rate”. |
Five Students from the Department of Finance Take Up the 2018/19 CFA Institute Research Challenge A team from the Chu Hai College of Higher Education is now competing in the prestigious CFA Institute Research Challenge Hong Kong Local Final 2018-19, hosted by The Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts. The team comprises Qin Shiyang, Chen Ruoshi, Chang Danni, Deng Jingyan and Cheung Kin Hin from the Faculty of Business’ Department of Finance. Further the team is advised by an external adviser (Mr. Jason Lai, Senior Analyst, Heitman) and Chu Hai faculty (Dr. Wilson Wong, Acting Head, Department of Finance). The opening ceremony for the Research Challenge was held at Bloomberg’s office in Cheung Kong Center in Central on 31 October, 2018. The principal sponsor of the Challenge is the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited while Bloomberg is the supporting sponsor. The presence of these eminent sponsors underscores the prestige of the Challenge. This Challenge comprises the following components:
The five teams with the highest written report scores would be presenting their research results and recommendations to a high-profile panel of judges at the Report Presentation and Award Ceremony on Saturday, 23rd February 2019. Moreover, all participants are expected to abide by the CFA Institute’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. The winning team at the Local Final would advance to the Regional Final and compete with victorious teams from other geographical regions for the opportunity to contest in the Global Challenge for the final championship. The Global Challenge comprises winners of the regional finals held in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America. Each Research Challenge season involves over 150 CFA member societies, 3,500 member volunteers, and more than 5,500 students from over 1,100 universities worldwide (including leading business schools that are ranked in the Financial Times). ![]() ![]() |
Workshop on “Reflections and Sharing on the Chu Hai College 2017/18 Hong Kong School Children Happiness Index Survey” Seven primary schools and one secondary school sent delegates to Chu Hai College, and participated in a workshop hosted by Prof. Ho Lok Sang on Reflections and Sharing on the Chu Hai 2017/18 Hong Kong School Children Happiness Index Survey on 30 October 2018. Prof. Ho explained the contents of life education, and showed that his LIFE (Love, Insight, Fortitude, Engagement) formula is no different from Martin Seligman’s PERMA (Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment). 22 guests participated, including one delegate from Wofoo Social Enterprises a sponsor of the 2017/18 survey (Shih Wing Ching Foundation was the other sponsor). They took part in the discussion enthusiastically. The workshop started shortly after 4:30 p.m. and was not finished until well after 6 p.m.
Company Visit
A group of business and computer science students visited The Internet of Things Center of Excellence (The IoT Centre) of GS1 Hong Kong Company Ltd on 26 October 2018.
The President and CEO of AACSB visited the Faculty of Business The President and CEO of Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), Dr. Tom Robinson, visited the Faculty of Business on 25 October 2018. Our Vice-President (Research) Prof. Eden Yu and Vice-President (Academic) Prof. George Tham joined our Faculty to welcome Dr. Robinson. After lunch and a short meeting, Dr. Robinson toured around our campus. Dr. Robinson’s visit enhanced understanding between the AACSB and the College, promising more interactions between the two in the future.
Faculty Research Seminar The Faculty held a Research Seminar on 18 October 2018 under its Research Seminar Series. Mr. Antony SIN, Assistant Professor of Department of Business Administration, delivered a seminar on his research project titled “New Measures on Compliance with Anti-money Laundering / Counter Terrorist Financing Requirements in the Accounting Sector”. |
Jockey Club Dream Breakout Scheme: Shenzhen Hong Kong E-commerce Development Forum
Twenty Faculty of Business students and alumni joined the “Jockey Club Dream Breakout Scheme: Shenzhen Hong Kong E-commerce Development Forum (賽馬會夢想衝線計劃-深港電子商貿發展論壇)” on 13 October 2018. The theme of the forum was about the latest developments and future of the e-commerce industry in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. The forum started with a series of speeches delivered by representatives from numerous well-known institutions including the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and Microsoft. The speakers presented detailed statistics of the e-commerce markets of both Hong Kong and the mainland. They discussed market growth and projected future trends. Furthermore, they introduced the latest technological advancements of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, big data, and e-payment. These technological breakthroughs have created possibilities that are unimaginable in the past. They are transforming the traditional retailers on the way they do business, particularly how they may improve customer experience, and how they save time and cost for both the customers and suppliers. Then the forum entered into the discussion sessions when the speakers sat together to discuss different aspects of e-commerce and exchanged ideas on the opportunities and threats in the region. This activity proved to be a most fruitful and memorable learning experience outside the classroom. |
General Education Seminar by Faculty Dean Dean of the Business Faculty, Prof. Lok Sang HO, gave a General Education Seminar titled “Living in the Here and Now” for the College on 9 October 2018. He made the point that the “here and now” is a window of opportunity and possibility that we need to capitalize on. Those who worry about things beyond this window lose out because every window of opportunity and possibility will close. Those who follow their hearts to make the best use of the here and now reap a rich life. He shared examples across different cultures with the audience. |
Faculty Research Seminar
The Faculty held a Research Seminar on 8 October 2018 under its Research Seminar Series. Dr. Wilson WONG, Assistant Professor and Acting Head of Department of Finance, delivered a seminar on his research project titled “China’s Commercial Aircraft Development Programmes (1953-2011): Misguided Hubris or Shrewd Development Strategy?”. |
Accounting and Banking students received scholarships from the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)
Congratulations to Ms. Yijun CHEN (left) and Ms. Xueqi CHENG (middle), students of Department of Accounting and Banking, who were awarded the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Scholarships 2017-18 from the Institute. Prof. Lok-Sang HO (right), Dean of Business Faculty, congratulated the scholarship recipients at the Award Presentation Ceremony which was held on 22 Sept 2018. |
Leadership Symposium by United Nations (Thailand)
Two BBA students, SHIU Pui Yan attended the 9th University Scholars Leadership Symposium held in Aug, 2018 at Bangkok, Thailand by the United Nations. The student is one of the members of the Faculty Leadership Programme and received College support to attend this important international conference. The theme of the conference is on promoting peace and humanitarian causes, which are in line with our College mission of service. Participation in the conference, in particular interactions with other participants, boosts their leadership and communication skills and stimulates their concern for world affairs. |
New Students Orientation Day 2018
27 August 2018 was the new student Orientation Day of our College. The Business Faculty staff and students extended warm welcome to the new business students. Prof. Lok-Sang Ho, Dean of the Business Faculty, delivered a welcoming address to the newcomers and shared with them the Faculty philosophy for nurturing students to become BRIGHT and SAFE business executives. He also encouraged students and staff to work together to add value so by the time our students graduate they will be ready to take on the world: B stands for Bold: Bold with new ideas; Being able to look at the BRIGHT side is the recipe for success in life. S stands for Skilled in job skills and social skills; To prepare our students to be also successful in the business world, we at the Business Faculty at Chu Hai strive to help them become Skilled, Agile, Faithful, and Engaged business executives, while reminding them that risk management is crucial to survival in the business world over the longer term. |