Release of the Survey Result of 2017/18 Hong Kong Children Happiness Index Survey
On 15 August 2018, Professor Lok-Sang Ho, Dean of Business Faculty and Director of Polling and Public Opinion Centre, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, announced the results of a 2017/2018 Academic Year HK Children Happiness survey. The results were covered by more than a dozen media. The happiness index of children this academic year, at 6.72, is not much different from the 6.75 in 2016/17, staying noticeably higher than the 6.5 of 2015/16. The current study is sponsored by the Shih Wing Ching Foundation and HK.WeCARE of Wofoo Social Enterprises. A total of 19 primary and secondary schools excluding international schools and direct subsidy schools participated. We are grateful for all the support we received from our sponsors and the participating schools. The current study is the sixth year in the series that started in 2012. It is also the second year in which we explore the implementation of life education in our schools. We started approaching schools in March this year, and collected the questionnaires through June. A total of 11 primary schools and 8 secondary schools participated. We collected 1744 questionnaires from the primary schools and 1767 questionnaires from secondary schools. 124 teachers also filled the Teachers’ Questionnaires. The survey revealed that pressures from studies and from extracurricular activity participation have both risen, and are both near historical highs. Still children’s happiness indices stayed near the recent high of 6.72, only a shade lower than last year’s 6.75. This is a surprise, but recent progress made in life education may be behind this relatively strong performance. This is the first year we invited secondary schools to include Form 4 and Form 5 students to participate. We found pressures rise rapidly as expected, and happiness also fell rapidly at Form 4. But the happiness index at Form 5 fell only slightly from 6.09 to 6.03. Interestingly, the percentages of both very happy (8 or above) and very unhappy (2 or below) students rise. Survey result of 2017/18 Hong Kong Children Happiness Index – [Press Release] [Survey Report]
Faculty Research Seminar
The Faculty held a Research Seminar on May 7, 2018 under its Research Seminar Series. Dr. Kam-Wah Lai, Head of Department of Accounting and Banking, delivered a seminar on his research project titled “Does Spillover Effect Vary Differentially with Types of Non-Audit Services? Evidence from Audit Report Lag”. |
A delegation comprising professors and research personnel from the Party College of Hefei Municipal Committee and from the Hefei Xingtai Holding Group Visited the Faculty of Business
The visit to the Faculty of Business took place on 24 April 2018. President Prof. C N Chang joined our Faculty to welcome the visitors. The visitors and our academics exchanged views on various local and global financial and economic issues at a meeting. After the meeting, President Chang led the visitors tour around our campus. They visited the library, gymnasium, Crossmedia Visual Production Studio and Virtual Reality Laboratory, etc. ![]() ![]()
ShineWing (HK) CPA Limited on campus for recruitment talk
On 10 April 2018, the Department of Accounting and Banking organized a recruitment talk by a senior executive from ShineWing (HK) CPA Limited, a reputable local audit firm of over 300 employees with a well connected international network. The talk was delivered by Ms. Carmen Tsang, Head of Talent Acquisition. Students were interested in both graduate employment and internship opportunities with ShineWing. We are grateful to ShineWing and particularly Ms. Tsang for coming to our campus and speaking to our students.
Faculty Research Seminar
The Faculty held a Research Seminar on March 27, 2018 under its Research Seminar Series. We were honoured to have Prof. Junxi Zhang, Vice President of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, be our guest speaker for the seminar titled “Reexamining the Equivalence Result of Optimal Pass-through under Price Adjustment Costs”.
Leadership Programme (Faculty of Business) – Seminar “Leadership and Teamwork – The Secret Recipe to Business Success” (26 March 2018) Mr. Nicholas Christopher John Williams (Nick), the president of GeBe Group, was our guest speaker for a seminar on “Leadership and Teamwork – The Secret Recipe to Business Success” on 26 March 2018. Nick has over 20 years of experience as a senior executive covering different roles in several industries, including IT, sales and Marketing fields. In the seminar, he shared with students in our Leadership Programme on the importance of teamwork and how to lead a team to achieve business goals. His inspiring presentation opened the eyes of our students to the application of leadership skills to motivate and to foster team spirit. ![]() ![]()
“Stand clear, ready to shock!” – CPR and AED Workshop for Prospective Leaders of the Faculty of Business
Eight members of the Leadership Programme of the Faculty of Business took part in a CPR and AED workshop organized by the SADS HK Foundation to learn about Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) and the use of Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to save lives in emergencies on March 23, 2018. The cohort was joined by eight enthusiastic personnel from the Faculty, Registrar’s Office, Student Affairs Office and Physical Education Unit of the College. Ms Carol Li, General Manager of SADS HK Foundation, shared with the participants on the statistics of tragic events due to and warning signals of SADS. Mr Raymond Fung, qualified Instructor of Hong Kong St John Ambulance, Hong Kong Red Cross and Ruttonjee Hospital, demonstrated how to recognize a sudden cardiac arrest, perform CPR and use an AED to increase the victim’s chances of survival in such cases. Mr Fung also demonstrated the use of the AED on our campus*. Before Ms Oli Yeung, another volunteer for SADS, closed the workshop with concluding remarks on the use of AED, participants were given a chance to have a hands-on experience of performing CPR and using AED on our fourth honorable guest, Mr Brayden Manikin. Special thanks go to our honorable guests for enriching our knowledge and teaching us skills on this life-and-death topic. May everyone enjoy good health and happiness always! *An AED was available at the Facilities Management Office of our campus
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Leadership Programme (Faculty of Business) – Seminar “The Best Ways to Manage People” (19 March 2018).
The seminar titled “The Best Ways to Manage People” was given by our distinguished alumnus, Sam Chow. Sam graduated in 2011 with first class honours in the BA (Hons) programme. He is currently the CEO of GeBe Group. In the seminar, Sam shared his experience on how to manage, lead and motivate employees of different backgrounds in order to attain company objectives effectively. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
CFA Institute Business Ethics Seminar
A team of experts from the CFA institute came to the College on March 06, 2018 to host a workshop titled “How to do the right thing even if no one is watching?” In the business world, employees are faced with ethical dilemmas from time to time. Doing the right thing without the watching eyes of others tests our commitment to moral values and our integrity. Dr. Michael McMillan and his team gave a very engaging presentation. The speaker first gave an introduction to the CFA institute, including the history, the three levels of CFA examinations, and the professional qualifications it confers. Then the speaker taught some principles of business ethics. Several cases were presented and students were invited to consider various courses of action. The students responded to these cases using the real time online system with their smart phones. The statistics of their choices were displayed and the class discussed why they made their choices. The students learned a lot about business ethics and thoroughly enjoyed the workshop. ![]()
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Faculty Research Seminar
The Faculty held a Research Seminar on March 5, 2018 under its Research Seminar Series. Prof. Lok-Sang Ho, Dean of the Faculty of Business, delivered a seminar on his research project titled “Measuring Life Education and Its Impact on Children’s Happiness”.
Experiential Cultural Activities for the Faculty of Business
Fourteen Faculty of Business alumni joined us on March 3, 2018 (Saturday) for a cultural heritage tour in Tuen Mun and a Big Bowl Feast (盆菜宴) to celebrate the beginning of the lunar New Year. Organised by the Student Affairs Office, the tour was led by renowned Hong Kong history and heritage conservation expert, Professor Siu Kwok Kin, who is also the Director of the Centre for Hong Kong History and Culture Studies of our College. During the two-hour tour on the heritage trail at Tsing Lung Tau and So Kwun Wat, Professor Siu told interesting stories of the origins of the Empress of Heaven (天后), Lady Kam Fa (金花娘娘) and ancestral hall (祖堂), and the mechanisms of the New Territories concessionary rights (丁權), Small House Policy (丁屋政策) and Chinese Imperial Examination Systems (科舉制度). Our special thanks go to Professor Siu for enriching our knowledge of the history and cultural heritage of Hong Kong with such inspiring stories! The wonderful day ended with a rustic and hearty Big Bowl Feast at the Café of the College accompanied with joyful sharing among the participants. It is really delightful to see so many alumni joining us in these two events in the midst of their busy schedule and we look forward to seeing our alumni again in the near future! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Visitors from City College of Dongguan University of Technology
Prof. Lok-Sang Ho, Dean of the Faculty of Business, received a team of senior management of City College of Dongguan University of Technology on January 29, 2018. The visitors attended our Faculty’s research seminar and toured around the campus. ![]() |
Faculty Research Seminar
The Faculty held a Research Seminar on January 29, 2018 under its Research Seminar Series. Prof. Raymond Tse, Head of the Department of Finance, delivered a seminar on his research project titled “On the Closed-Form Solutions of Asian Options”.
Student’s Outstanding Achievements
Congratulations to Hao Yi, a year 4 student of BBA (Honours) in Finance, who successfully passed the 2017 CFA level I examination. |
Release of the Survey Result of Hong Kong Happiness Index 2017
Prof. Ho Lok Sang, Dean of the Business Faculty, announced the results of the 2017 Hong Kong Happiness Index. This is one of a series of surveys conducted since 2005. Designed by Prof. Ho, the survey has been sponsored by the Shih Wing Ching Foundation. This year’s survey was conducted by the Public Opinion and Polling Centre of Chu Hai College via randomized telephone dialling, complemented by an on-line survey. a Total of 772 Hong Kongers responded. The results were covered by about 30 media in and out of Hong Kong. The Index rebounded from 67.6 to 69.7, led by greater satisfaction with the administration of public policy. However, satisfaction for publicly provided healthcare has plummeted to a new low of 5.88. The rating by young people below the age of 30 for public policy rebounded strongly from 3.31 to 4.21. Their happiness also rose noticeably, but they continue to score very low in purposive living and not worrying about things beyond their control, at 6.48 and 5.58 respectively. Hong Kong people’s rating for the media continues to climb for the third year, and now stands at 5.08, on a scale of 0 to 10. Below are some of the media reports: [The Standard] We’re happier- but not by much really [Sing Tao Daily] 去年快樂指數回升 港人滿意政府施政 [Headline Daily] 政府推出惠民措施 港人滿意施政快樂指數回升 [Oriental Daily News] 港人快樂指數稍升 對公共醫療評價跌至新低 [Hong Kong Commercial Daily] 市民滿意施政快樂指數回升 Survey result of Hong Kong Happiness Index 2017 – [Press Release] [Report presented at press conference] |
Mr. Antony Sin of BA Department interviewed by hk01
Mr. Antony Sin, Assistant Professor of BA Department, teaching law subjects, was interviewed by hk01 regarding the maximum working hour issue. Please visit港聞/142070/ for the article (in Chinese only) titled【過勞死】城巴致命車禍疑車長疲駕 學者促正視OT設「過勞死線」. |
Kick-off Ceremony of the Leadership Programme of the Faculty of Business (2017-18)
The kick-off ceremony of the Leadership Programme was held on 6 December, 2017. Nine students joined the ceremony. Coming from BBA (Hons), BCom (Hons) in Accounting and Banking and the BBA (Hons) in Finance programmes, they all have outstanding academic record and leadership potential. In the ceremony, Dr. Charmaine CHAN and Dr. Kam Wah LAI gave an introduction about the programme. The Dean of Faculty of Business, Prof. Lok Sang HO, also gave a speech welcoming students and encouraging them to build key leadership attributes and skills and prepare themselves for the challenges in the future business environment.
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Faculty Research Seminar
The Faculty held a Research Seminar on December 6, 2017 under its Research Seminar Series. Dr. Vivian Kong, Assistant Professor of the Department of Finance, delivered a seminar on her research project “The Magnet Effect of Circuit Breakers and Its Interactions with Price Limits”. We are also honoured to have Dr. Huang Ying of Shenzhen GTA Education Tech Ltd. (深圳國泰安教育科技公司金融大數據教育事業部金融工程技術總監黃莹博士) came and delivered a talk on financial data application and quantitative trading technology (金融數據的應用與量化交易技術). ![]()
Establishment of The Business Faculty Alumni Preparatory Committee
The Business Faculty Alumni Preparatory Committee made its official debut and held its first meeting on December 4th, 2017. The committee was founded by a group of devoted College graduates who determine to contribute to their alma mater. The aim of the committee is to set up the Business Faculty Alumni Association, the aim of which is to build and maintain strong connections among fellow graduates. News and events will be posted on our Facebook page: |
Alumni BBQ Gathering
A group of business faculty alumni paid a visit to our new campus on Saturday December 02, 2017. We enjoyed a leisure afternoon tea in the cafeteria. The room was full of chitchat and laughter. The good old campus days came alive! In the sunset, we walked down to the beach. We were all fascinated in the beautiful scenery and sea breeze. The day was ended perfectly with a beach-side barbecue! ![]() ![]()
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Kick-off Ceremony of the 2017 Mentorship Programme
The Mentorship Programme of the Faculty of Business serves as a platform for student mentees to learn from industry experts and accomplished alumni through sharing and role modelling. It allows students to expand their learning experience beyond the classroom and transit on to their career more smoothly upon graduation. It also keeps alumni connected and motivated to contribute to the College that has once developed and nurtured them. Furthermore, it helps establish an industry network that will bring the Faculty of Business to the forefront of the business world and improve the employment prospects of the graduates. Thanks to the kind support of our professional advisor, former colleagues and dedicated alumni, the first Mentorship Programme was launched in 2017 and a kick-off ceremony was held on November 15, 2017 when the eight Mentors met with their respective Mentees at a dinner gathering held in Central. All the twelve Mentees of this year come from the Leadership Programme of the Faculty and the inspiring and enjoyable dinner gathering marked the beginning of an exciting one-year mentoring journey for our Mentors and Mentees. ![]() ![]()
Accounting and Banking students received scholarships from the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)
Two Accounting and Banking students, namely Ms. Chan Wing-Yan and Ms. Liu Yingru received scholarships from the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) for sitting the Qualification Programme (QP) of the Institute. |